How can I gain weight? Everything you need to know

How can I gain weight? Everything you need to know
Chances are you're planning to build muscle and gain weight because there's a reason you came here. Many people think that some people can gain weight and others can't. But that's not how it works. With enough calories, it's possible for you to gain weight too. Are you curious about the formula for weight gain and what to look for when eating? Then read this article carefully because we'll show you all about it!

Weight gain - the formula for calorie surplus

It's time to look at how you can gain weight. As we showed in our other article on losing weight, it's also important to follow a specific formula when it comes to gaining weight. Your body needs a certain number of calories to function, so each person has a certain base amount of calories they need to consume to maintain their weight. To find this amount, take your current weight in pounds (450 grams) and multiply it by 13 (if you don't exercise at all), 15 (if you exercise a few times a week), or 18 (if you exercise five days or more per week). What's left at the end of the formula is the number of calories you need to maintain your weight. If you want to gain weight, you'll need to eat between 300 and 500 calories more than the number you just calculated. Eating more will help your body build muscle faster and therefore gain weight. It is important that you try to consume these calories in the healthiest way possible. If you eat too many "bad" things, you risk not providing your body with the building blocks it needs to build muscle. The proportions for a diet for weight gain are often:
  • 40% carbohydrates, as little bad sugar as possible
  • 25% proteins, mainly from meat and fish
  • 35% fat, as little saturated fat as possible
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